
Auction 107 (C-Band): Policy Overview and Closing Bid Price Analysis of Expedited Access due to $9.7B in Accelerated Relocation Payments to Incumbent Satellite Operators Link

Boyalakuntla, P., Aher, G., Miner, G., Heinrich, L., Mao, Y., Post, P., Musey, A., Lohmeyer, W.Q., “Auction 107 (C-Band): An Analysis of the Effects of Auction Mechanics On Closing Bid Price,” Telecommunications Policy Research Conference (TPRC), Washington, D.C., September 2022.

An Undergraduate-level, Problem-based Introduction to Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing Link

Boyalakuntla, P., Goldwater, M., Gupta, U., Lohmeyer, W.Q., Govindasamy, S., An Undergraduate-level, Problem-based Introduction to Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing, IEEE Frontiers in Education (FIE), Uppsala, Sweden, 8 - 11 October 2022.

Interference-to-Noise (I/N) Compliance Validation of Telesat, OneWeb and SpaceX’s 2020 Ka-Band NGSO FCC Processing Round Applications Link

A. Tan, P. Boyalakuntla, B. Oh, U. Gupta and W. Lohmeyer, “Interference-to-Noise (I/N) Compliance Validation of Telesat, OneWeb and SpaceX’s 2020 Ka-Band NGSO FCC Processing Round Applications,” AIAA SciTech, National Harbor, M.D., January 2023.

Evaluating the FCC’s $10 Billion Gamble: Successfully Accelerating Access to Spectrum in Auction 107 Link

Gati Aher, Phillip Post, Pranavi Boyalakuntla, Grant Miner, Lieselotte Heinrich, Yuxiang Mao, Armand Musey, Whitney Lohmeyer; Evaluating the FCC’s $10 Billion Gamble: Successfully Accelerating Access to Spectrum in Auction 107. Journal of Information Policy 22 December 2023; 13 34–59.